Rules of Life. I have never before read a self coach book, but this just stand out to me. This book is simple with a set numbered of rules , each rule with an explanation why and how it'll improve our life. Although most of the rules are common sense ; the book reminds us about the little things we forget. There are also rules we never thought about and it is nice to be reminded and told. Richard Templar did a great job in writing this book with simple straightforward English and easy understandable reasons. A simple and light read that would certainly "tickle your mind 'buds'."
This might sound a little cheesy, but the truth is I do think reading this book made me much more light hearted and happier; knowing I'm out there trying to be a better person. Mistakes will prone to be made but at least now I'm more aware of it. It's just nice to be reminded, as we all tend to forget what matters in this fast-pace intense society!
Some of the rules that stands out to me includes:
Accept Yourself
Take an interest in outside world
Know what counts and what doesn't
You'll get older but not necessarily wiser
Aim to be the very best at everything you do not second best
Don't expect to be perfect
Don't be afraid to dream
If you're going to jump off a bridge, make sure you know how deep the water is
Only dead fish swim with the stream
You'll never understand everything
Don't dwell on the past
Don't live in the future
Make sure your love making is making love
Check what history would say about you
If you are going to be a friend, be a good friend
It doesn't hurt to forgive
It doesn't hurt to help
Be generous with your time and information
Get involved!
Just because you have, doesn't mean they have to.
oooohhh!! Going to the book store to check it out!!