Monday, 11 July 2011


Awesome Massage Machine on the go! It is an electronic pulse massager that will send you straight to pleasure heaven! I bring it to most of my shoots for a little pick me up massage during all the waiting time. On top of that, it helps to tone up muscles too. Very addictive and it's affordable as well! A SUPER MUST BUY!

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Laneige Water Sleeping Pack

Slap on a thin layer of the gel mask and go to bed! Wake up with brighter, super hydrated and soft skin! I love this mask! I use it 2-3 times a week.. It keeps my skin looking supple and soft.. (definitely much needed after all the hours i go with makeup on :p) A must buy!!


Thursday, 31 March 2011

Music - the xx

If you are a fan of Damien Rice, Coldplay, Aqualung and Cat Power! You'll love The XX.

The XX is an English indie pop band, formed in London in 2005, I love their debut album 'xx' in 2009. Here are some of the songs in their album:

I absolutely love their music and lyrics. They are a great listen anytime of the day!

Do download their album and ENJOY more of their great songs!


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

A GOOD BOOK, scones and tea please...

Rules of Life. I have never before read a self coach book, but this just stand out to me. This book is simple with a set numbered of rules , each rule with an explanation why and how it'll improve our life. Although most of the rules are common sense ; the book reminds us about the little things we forget. There are also rules we never thought about and it is nice to be reminded and told. Richard Templar did a great job in writing this book with simple straightforward English and easy understandable reasons. A simple and light read that would certainly "tickle your mind 'buds'."

This might sound a little cheesy, but the truth is I do think reading this book made me much more light hearted and happier; knowing I'm out there trying to be a better person. Mistakes will prone to be made but at least now I'm more aware of it. It's just nice to be reminded, as we all tend to forget what matters in this fast-pace intense society!

Some of the rules that stands out to me includes:

Accept Yourself

Take an interest in outside world

Know what counts and what doesn't

You'll get older but not necessarily wiser 

Aim to be the very best at everything you do not second best

Don't expect to be perfect

Don't be afraid to dream

If you're going to jump off a bridge, make sure you know how deep the water is

Only dead fish swim with the stream

You'll never understand everything

Don't dwell on the past

Don't live in the future

Make sure your love making is making love 

Check what history would say about you

If you are going to be a friend, be a good friend

It doesn't hurt to forgive

It doesn't hurt to help

Be generous with your time and information 

Get involved!

Just because you have, doesn't mean they have to.


Tuesday, 22 February 2011

PAPAW me first!

After months of ponding I finally decided that in this new year, I want to share more to my readers and fans out there. Nop, this blog will not be about my modelling work unlike my work blog but more about my thoughts and products I love, food and recipes I loathe, lessons I learn from the best and maybe even some tips here and there that i picked up along the way.

So to start this blog off, I would love to talk about one of my favourite products yet. Yup it is the red tube wonder, Lucas Papaw Ointment! If you have not heard of this, listen up people! Although this ointment can be used for many purposes, for me it is the best cracked lips salvation! Travelling constantly and all the drastic weather changes; my lips tend to suffer. Believe me, I try to keep as hydrated as much as I can but sometimes it is just not enough. Having bee stung lips or as some cruder people put it "bj" lips, I keep mine moist :) by slapping some Papaw on my lips when it's really dry. Remember licking your lips and wetting it with your saliva when it is dry only makes your lips worst! Put a generous amount every couple of hours if its really dry, and your lips will recover really quickly... This little red tube does wonders!

Lucas Papaw Ointment is made and sold in Australia, but  you can get it in London in the Australian shop ( Covent Garden) or Online Stores. You can even get in Malaysia; surprisingly in most of the 'mother and baby shops' (probably because it helps cracked nipples and nappy rash). Didn't I tell you this is a wonder tube?

Lucas Papaw Ointment has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties and may be used as a local topical application on the following:abscesses and boils, bruises and burns, carbuncles and chafings, cuts and cysts, dry and cracked skin on hands and feet, gravel rash and heat rash, insect stings and mosquito bites, open wounds and pimples, scalds and sunburn, swelling associated with injury, splinters and thorns, tinea and whitlow, nappy rash and cracked nipples, temporary relief of the symptoms of dermatitis and eczema, temporary relief of the discomfort of haemorrhoids by local application.

I learned this little neat trick from a makeup artist in London when I was there. You can follow these steps if you have cracked lips!

1. Slap on a generous amount of Papaw Ointment (or any lip butter) and let it sit for 20-30 mins.
2. Wipe it off gently with a facial tissue .
3. Use a slightly wet soft tooth brush and gently brush and exfoliate the dead skin from your lips.
4. Reapply a generous amount of Papaw Ointment (or any lip butter) and your lips will be moist :)

So no reason to NOT have kissable lips now! :)
